BIOCHEMIC MEDICINE

By: Dr & Er  S.P.Sharma*


What is blood pressure:

It is the measurement of the pressure of flowing blood in arteries and viens. The arteries supply blood to various parts of the body and the viens collect the blood drained out from the tissues to supply the blood to the heart for pumpig it to the lungs for exchange of CO2 with O2. The blood from the heart to the lungs goes through the pulmonary arteries at higher prssure and is collected back through pulmonary veins to heart for further pumping to the main arteries.

The pressure in arteries has got two parts one known as the systolic pressure and other known as dystolic pressure,the pressure in the viens is called the veins pressure or the back pressure. The systolic pressure is the result of compressive mode of heart and it would be higher than the dystolic pressure which is the result of expansion mode of heart. The normal ratio between systolic and dystolic pressure is found to be 1.5 : 1. The pumping action of heart can be best compared to a diafragm type  positive displacement pump.The systolic as well as the dystolic pressure is affected by the veins pressure because it acts as a suction pressure to heart.

The blood flow diagram can be conveniently shown as follows:





















The blood pressure may be increased or lowered due to following reasons:

1.      The heart beat rate or pulpitation rate.

2.      The concentration of blood in terms of various constituents.

3.      The internal size of arteries and veins.

4.      The loading of impurities in the blood.

5.      The amout of water in the blood which affects the veins pressure.

6.      State of gastric digestion/ vomitting /diarrhoea.

7.      Tension/dipression/anxiety.

8.      Chronic infection/blood loss





To find out the systemic problem of blood pressure following test may prvide clue:

1.      Hb, TLC, DLC, ESR

2.      LFT, KFT

3.      Lipid profile

4.      Blood glucose level in fasting as well as post partum

5.      Urine test for infection, blood loss and specific gravity

6.      Stool test for blood loss and parasites

7.      Heart check up

8.      Oxygen level in blood for efficiency of lungs



Following biochemic treatment is recommended based on symptoms and pathological findings:-

Calc.Phos 3X,6X- Blood pressure low, Hb low, anemic patients, recovery after desease, serum albumin high, blood sugar high/low, cold extrimities, kidney stone formation.

Kali Phos 3X,6X-  Blood pressure high, feeling of weakness, chronic infection, blood sugar high, heat beat high, chronic tension, dipression, numbness in extrimities.

Fer.Phos 3X,6X-    Hb low, chronic blood loss, very weak, chronic infection, body pain, cold extrimities.

Calc.Sulf 6X,12X-  Chronic infection, reduced kidney activity, TLC is high, ESR high, thrmbosis, lack of blood circulation in body parts.

Kali Mur 3X, 6X-   Chronic infection, specially bacterial, presence of parasites, high ESR, posibility of thrombosis, dropsy , water retention, chronic constipation, reduced kidney function.

Kali Sulf 3X,6X-   Chronic infection, continuously high body temperature, gastric ulcers, blood loss through urinary/gastric systems.

Mag.Phos.3X,6X-  Reduced heart beat, chronic diarrhoea, low blood pressure, excessive water loss.

Nat.Phos 3X,6X-  Reduced kidney functin, inreased blood urea/ s.uric acid/Cr, reduced urine, high blood pressure, chronic acidity, gastric ulcers, kidney stone formation.

Nat.Sulf.3X,6X- High/low blood presuure, high TLC, reduced liver/ kidney fuction, reduced apetite, high lipids level, gall stone formation.

Nat.Mur.6X,12X-   High esinofils, low blood volume, low blood pressure, chronic vomitting, high water loss through nose, eyes, urine, stools, extrimities colder.

Sil 6X,12X-   High TLC, chronic infection, chronic constipation, weakness, reduced liver funtion, parasites, posibility of stone formation in gall bladder and kidney.

Calc.Fluor 6X-  enlargement of arteries/ veins/heart chambers, chronic constipation.


The effect of above medicines is required to be monitored on daily basis. Normal dose depends on the selection of combination of medicines. Maximum 4-5 tabs are required to be taken every three hours in the beginning and 3-4 times a day later as a maintenance dose. The medicine can be stopped totally once the blood pressure fluctuations are minimised.


Suplementary Advice- Sour fruits/ vegetables, black salt & chillies help in lowering the blood pressure, whereas the table salt & alkaline fruits/ vegetables help in increasing the the blood pressure.




*Dr & Er S.P.Sharma can be consulted on Ph. 9818679226(M)